This is me, Sharilee.
This is me, Sharilee.  Happily married and mom to 5 + 2 (daughter-in-law) kids.

Judging by the popularity of Pinterest, all things DIY, and the plethora of decorating blogs and sites out there, it is evident that there are a lot of us out there who love to make our homes special.  This blog is dedicated to the idea that “house” becomes “Home” as we personalize it. Does that process need to cost a lot of money? Heck no, techno!  Do we need to be trained professionals to accomplish the quest for “Home”?  Not in this day and age, with so many resources right at our fingertips.  So, get comfy in your favorite armchair, get ready to share your ideas and let’s make “Home” happen!

You can email me here.  You can find me at Pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/sharileep and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ArmchairDecoratorBlog .  Want to learn more about me?  You can learn all kinds of random facts about me if you look HERE.

Please come back for a visit soon! 








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